Research Project Page Template

Roman Hauksson *,†


Author Two *,†

Institution Two

Author Three

Institution Three

Author Four

Institution Four

Conference Name

*author note one, author note two


This is a live demo for a template you can use to create a simple project page for your research paper. See the code for the template and instructions on how to use it yourself here. It’s made with the Astro web framework and styled with Tailwind CSS. You write the content in MDX, which enables markdown formatting like bold, italics, and strikethrough, as well as custom components like small caps.


Use the figure component to display images, videos, equations, or any other element, with an optional caption.

Diagram of the transformer deep learning architecture.
Diagram of the transformer deep learning architecture.

Two columns

Use the two columns component to display two columns of content. In this example, the first column contains a figure with a YouTube video and the second column contains a figure with a custom React component. By default, they display side by side, but if the screen is narrow enough (for example, on mobile), they’re arranged vertically.

Take a look at this YouTube video.
Now look at this Gaussian Splat, rendered with a React component.

Heading levels

Use headings to divide your content into sections.

Heading 3

Go down a level to heading 3…

Heading 4

…and down again to heading 4.


You can also add LaTeX formulas, rendered during the build process using KaTeX so they’re quick to load for visitors of your project page. You can write them inline, like this: a2+b2=c2a^2 + b^2 = c^2. Or, you can write them as a block:

abf(x)dx\int_a^b f(x) dx


You can add simple tables using GitHub Flavored Markdown syntax:

ModelAccuracyF1 scoreTraining time (hours)

BibTeX citation

  author = "{Roman Hauksson}",
  title = "Academic Project Page Template",
  year = "2024",
  howpublished = "\url{}",